Post NYC days have been fabulous except for the first few days where I had to try really hard fight off jet lag.
(Jet lag is horrid thing by the way, I totally overestimated my body's ability to overcome it.)
I came back with a fresh frame of mind, new perspectives and a renewed sense of motivation.
To be completely honest,
I have been floundering and wandering lost when it came to work for few long good months.
I was dragging my feet to work every day and I had other things on my mind clouding my vision,
which shouldn't have been the case.
Instead of lying awake at night coming up with inspiring ideas for the business like I used to,
I laid awake with incoherent, trivial and unimportant thoughts crowding my mind.
It was painfully obvious to people who were watching from the side,
just that I didn't want to admit it to myself and instead of picking things up,
chose to submerge myself in a state of oblivion.
I was always my own motivator when it comes to running the business,
and all of a sudden I seemed to have lost the ability to set directions in moving forward.
Decided that I needed a break to get away from everything, so tickets to NYC was booked on a whim.
The idea of going on a solo trip was both daunting yet exhilarating.
Made it back safe and sound despite the initial protests and worries of my family and some close friends.
Most importantly,
this trip did great things by allowing me to find my focus at work, regroup my thoughts, and in setting new goals for TTR once again.
It also taught me that when things within you fall apart,
it is entirely up to yourself to pick up the shards and pieces, mend yourself and move forward.
No one is going to do it better than you do.
I've been mentally absent from the business for way too long and it's going to take time to rev the engines back to full force, but I'm trying and I'm certain that I will get there soon enough.
Will share more pictures and places in NYC which I love here soon.
Just waiting for my new blog layout to be ready!