
Hello there.

Oh hello there.
This place feels familiar yet unfamiliar at the same time.

It's been so long since my last blog post and I wonder if there is still anyone reading this space.
I feel bad for temporarily "discarding" this space,
but I have been too caught up in work since the start of this year and have not given much thought about maintaining this space of mine. 

Here to give it a jump start after being on such a long hiatus and I think I will try my best to write here regularly from now on.
I don't even remember my Flickr log in and password anymore.

Can I just cheat a little and paste some of my recent posts from Dayre here?

Thought I would share my work trip posts from Dayre here since I don't think I have blogged about my work trips before on my blog.
I promise I will churn out new content from the next post on!

6 Jul 2014:

Saturday, Work Day

 Time check: 6.53am
 It's raining right now and I'm in a cab to the airport for a work trip.
 How I wish that I could be sleeping in my comfy bed right now.

 The last time I woke up this early was like... In JC??!

 But thou shall not complain, hahaha.
I already have the privilege of waking up way later than my friends who hold office jobs.
  Screen Shot 2014-07-09 at 11.26.21 pm
(Yes that's @jongsy walking in front!)
 Time check: 7.15am 

 Just reached the airport and preparing to check in!
The cab uncle was really nice to leave us with "Enjoy yourselves ok!",
but too bad we're not on a leisure trip.

 Anyway, I flew off for too many holidays in June.
Kinda happy to be travelling for work again although it is so much more tiring.


 Time check: 8.00am 

 Boarding now!!
 I'm always excited to fly as long as it's SIA.
 It's the only aircraft I can knock out completely on,
and I love that they provide pillows and blankets because I'm always freezing cold on flights and I don't wanna 包like ba zang every time I take flights.

 Their hot towels also super shiok.

 I also love their entertainment system because it's always updated with new movies!

 Ok, taking off now!
See you on the other side!

 Time check: 12.45pm 
 Just touched down!
Can't wait to throw our bags at the hotel and have some lunch before getting work done!
  Screen Shot 2014-07-09 at 11.26.45 pm

Time check: 6.00pm 

 Just finished round 1 of samples!!
 My favourite part of manufacturing definitely has to be the choosing of colours. 0f091e20-cd79-4e57-889b-59f4628df6bb-girl_faint

 Time check: 11.24pm 

 Finally done with all our work for today!
 Need to hit the sack soon so that we have enough energy to scour the fabric market for materials tomorrow.

7 Jul 2014:

Work Trip Summary


We made it through yet another work trip!!!! @jongsy

 It seems to get easier for us each time,
given that we are now a lot more familiar with the environment and have worked out a standard routine for our short and jam packed 2 day trip.
 We usually don't have time for leisure on work trips because 2 days is really too short to do anything else but work.

 Whenever my friends ask me to "enjoy myself" when I tell them I'm going on work trips,
I give them a super incredulous look.
 There's really not much of enjoying when we are on trips for work.

 We usually wake up at 9-10am in the mornings,
grab a quick breakfast from the convenience store at our hotel and meet our supplier to discuss about samples.
We would spend the first day going over the samples,
trying them on to make sure the fit is ok.

 If the fit is good,
we would proceed on to decide if the material used for the sample is ok or another material would be suitable.
 If the fit and material is ok (usually needs minor changes),
we would start to pick colours for it.

This is the fun part but it also gets tiresome after you've been through 95739502 samples because you start choosing very similar colour palettes for all the designs.
Especially for me, because I tend to keep choosing colours which I like at that moment.

 After picking the colours, we need to place our orders for the supplier to purchase materials and start work on the sample.
 If the fit is not ok, we would usually send it back altering so that the sample is closer to our ideal fit. You'll be surprised at how many samples actually look very CMI when we first receive them.
It's actually not that easy to manufacture apparels.
You definitely need a lot of foresight when it comes to imagining the samples as the finished products.

 Usually we would take a break for dinner in the evening,
then continue our discussion till about 10-11pm at night.
 After which we will prepare for Sunday's launch till about 1-2am before we go to bed.

Launch work never stops even when we're on work trips.

 The next day,
we would wake up at around the same time to have breakfast and head to the fabric market to find suitable cloth for the supplier to do up the new samples and also for those samples which needed a change of material from previous day's discussion.

 Walking around the fabric market is the most physically tiring task during our work trip.

 We usually end our fabric market trip at around evening time with aching arms, legs and backs.
 It may be tiring but visiting the fabric market is also my favourite part of the trip.
Love collecting all the fabric charts!

 We would have dinner before returning to our hotel to discuss about the samples with the new fabrics which we have shortlisted.
Which will end at about 10-11pm.
 After which we have to clear emails from the launch (because Sunday night is launch night!) and verify payments so that parcels can be sent out by our team on Monday (today).

 It may not sound like the most tiring 2-day job on earth but it gets pretty draining mentally because there is so much planning ahead and thinking to do throughout the 2 days.
 Even though we may be sitting down during discussion but our minds never stop.

It might be tiring to be travelling every month but the satisfaction of seeing our own manufactured apparels beats it all.
4ba4c937-37e8-4da2-bbb6-00d34597a01f-boris_kissed (1)
And that, sums up my 2 day work trip every month. 
So happy to be heading back to SG right now!

 Home sweet home.

I have been doing my daily updates on Dayre for the past few months actually!
You can follow me on Dayre if you miss my regular updates here.

As I said,
I will still be blogging here.
Shall blog about my Korea and BKK trips in June next!

Off to edit the photos so that I can at least get the BKK trip photos up by the end of this week!