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I had a really rare opportunity to attend an event today which touches on the topic which concerns many of us but we do not give much thought to on a daily basis.
Thanks to Nuffnang SG and SIWW,
I got to woke up really early (compared to my usual hours) and headed down to MBS to attend a session of In-Conversation chaired by Prof Tommy Koh and several distinguished speakers such as H.E. Khaw Boon Wan, Minister for National Development.
Everyone around me were business people dressed in formal wear,
and I felt slightly overwhelmed but decided to head into the convention hall with an open mind!
As you can probably already guess from the title of my blogpost,
I will be blogging about WATER in this entry!
Read on because I made a (rather) cute video for you at the end of the post!
If you're not one who is aware/concerned about what is going on in the news,
you might not be aware that this week is the Singapore International Water Week!
Super quick and absolutely brief introduction:
It is a yearly event whereby the world leaders come together on a shared platform to share their insights and innovative solutions to address the modern day challenges faced when it comes to water.
Will not be going super in-depth about the In-Conversation which I attended,
because the topics are more geared towards how the world can come together to make living in cities more sustainable and how we can go green without impeding economic growth etc.
(Hahah believe me when I say that I'll try to make this post easier on y'all!)
But anyway, just realized that I might actually have expanded on my knowledge about the environment after all even though I was feeling pretty groggy this morning having woken up so early!
I thought it would make this post slightly interesting if I share less about the knowledge which I took away from this event, but instead more about my thoughts on some of the key points which were mentioned in the session which I attended!
I think that we are really blessed to have been born and raised in Singapore,
a first world country whereby no one is deprived of access to fresh and safe water.
You drink water every day,
and you use water for your every day activities such as bathing, showering, washing of laundry, doing the dishes, washing your hands.
But do you stop for one second and think of how lucky you are to be able to have clean water as and when you wish?
Well, I don't.
At least, I have not given it much thought until today.
This is problem which most developing countries are facing today,
put into glaring figures.
put into glaring figures.
Above images are extracted from water.org
On our own, we may not be able to solve problems such as unsafe and unsanitary drinking water for everyone in this world,
but we definitely can take small baby steps towards helping this goal to be realised.
If you're thinking right now that there is nothing you can do to improve the basic living conditions of those who are living far away from us in the developing countries,
let me tell you...
There's something which you can do!
Something really simple which takes less than 2 minutes of your life.
It probably is already something which you're doing on a daily basis.
TAKE A SELFIE and upload it.
No I'm not kidding!
You can do your part to help just like I plan to,
by taking this #SIWWpledge to ensure a sustainable water supply for more people in this world.
let me tell you...
There's something which you can do!
Something really simple which takes less than 2 minutes of your life.
It probably is already something which you're doing on a daily basis.
TAKE A SELFIE and upload it.
No I'm not kidding!
You can do your part to help just like I plan to,
by taking this #SIWWpledge to ensure a sustainable water supply for more people in this world.
For every one person who does the pledge,
$1 will be donated to water.org.
And it is capped at $40,000!
The last I checked,
there were only 429 pledges.
Now, who's with me?
And if you've made it here,
I made a stop motion video (inspired by @ar_daisy on IG) and named it The Wonders of Water.
My first attempt so it is definitely amateur-ish.
Just thought it was really fun to do and brings the point of the importance of water across!
Lastly, if you wish to read up and broaden your perspective on the topic of water,
you can hit up www.waterchatter.wordpress.com for more interesting articles contributed by different writers for the same cause! ;)