All the happy moments I've had in 2015.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart,
if you've contributed to one of these squares or more.

2015 passed by in a flash.
And I'm not sure if it's a good or bad thing.
Wasn't it just a blink ago that we were prepping our CNY launches? And now we're hearing Christmas carols all over, and after that CNY madness ensues. We're going to have so many things going on once January rolls around so I thought I better do my 2015 reflections/summary proper before 2016 officially pops in for good.
It never feels like a proper ending to the year if I don't think back about what I've accomplished for the year. There's just something about year ends and goodbyes that always inspires thoughts.
So here goes.
It feels like the older you get, the faster time passes. I recall doing my new year resolutions not that long ago, and already I'm scrambling to come up with a new set.
Work wise, a trying year for sure.
Not just for TTR alone, but for the industry as a whole. It seems like it is hardly enough to follow the same success formula as before. Reinventing has to be a constant in this ever competitive and ever saturated market. Either you up your game, or you lose the game.
This year, milestones were made as we got nominated for and clinched the SME Of The Year award, expanded our office and also successfully launched our very first pop-up retail store at PoMo.
We also revamped our brand image and came up with a more cohesive branding on the whole.
As always, I give thanks to the most dedicated team standing strong alongside me and collectively braving through all kinds of challenges we had to face this year.
This year is quite the memorable year for me on the personal front.
Bidding goodbye to some people and forging new bonds with some, discovering the joy of travelling to new places and rediscovering myself in the midst of travelling.
Sky diving in Australia was a tick off my bucket list and the trip was a much needed reprieve from work which was starting to take a toll at that point of them.
New York City was a whole new adventure and until now I still cannot quite believe that I conquered the concrete jungle on my own.
South Africa was also an amazing journey and definitely a once in a lifetime travel experience.
Bring me to more places and back with more stories to tell and adventures to share, 2016.
Twenty fifteen is a year of tumultuous changes for me.
And aside from learning how to best keep up with the changes in my personal life and work, I have learnt how to take things in stride, to stop dwelling on people/issues and to move forward with even more purpose than before.
Closing some doors also mean the opening of new doors.
And with that, additional windows as well.
I would like to think that life only gets better and it truly seems so.
I have never been happier and contented at any other point of time in my life than now and I hope I always feel this way.
Goodbye 2015.
You haven't been the kindest but you have made me grown so much.
Thank you for bringing me people who taught me precious lessons in life, and also people that I would like to keep in my life for a long time.
Hello 2016,
I look forward to who, where and what you'll be bringing me.