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"Whenever there is a human in need, there is an opportunity for kindness and to make a difference."
One fine Saturday,
I woke up earlier than usual (was reallyyy tough because I always sleep in on the weekends) to do my part for a meaningful campaign organised by Singapore Kindness Movement and Project Awareness.
it has been ages since I last did any volunteering.
Ever since I left school,
I have not had to chance to participate in volunteer acts or giving back to society.
Really grateful for the chance to get back into volunteering again - through this event.
We were supposed to distribute these Gardenia sponsored bread loaves to families who are under-privileged in the Lavender area.
These families are mostly old folks leaving on their own in one room flats.
We also met some families with a lot of young children,
all cramped up in a small and crowded area.
But first,
we had to finish tagging the loaves with the SKM tags!

With the pretty Sheila!

Ohai Spiderboy,
you want to help out too?
There were so many families who volunteered at the event.
Many kids running around and trying to help by doing whatever they could.
So cute!
I personally think kindness is a valuable trait which every parent should inculcate in their kids from young.
This is how we can build up a nation of kindness slowly but surely.
It is really admirable of them to bring their kids along despite some of them throwing little tantrums due to the heat and tiredness from walking around.
My partner-in-kindness of the day!
Also got to meet Geck Geck in real life for this first time!
Volunteering was really fun with these girls.
And a picture with my fellow Nuffnang bloggers before we proceed with the distribution of bread loaves!

Elson Soh, founder of Project Awareness briefing everyone on the do's and don'ts while going about our rounds.

Return of the Spiderboy.
Oh, look!
We have Superman too, apparently.

All the volunteers saying HI before we got started!

We were a little shy at first,
having to knock loudly and calling out to check if anyone was home.
But soon enough,
we got the hang of it and was knocking door-to-door like we did this on a regular basis.

That's me, your Agent Of Kindness in action!
We also got to give these pamphlets out to the elderly,
explaining and informing them of some dental care benefits they are entitled to.

Some of the residents were really shy,
which explains which we did not get many photos of them.

"No act of kindness, however small, is ever wasted."
I actually think it is a good idea to step out of your comfort zone once in a while,
make some extra effort to spread the act of kindness to people around you,
or even people you don't know personally.
Living in comfort might have made us oblivious to the sufferings of certain groups in society.
I was glad that I got the chance to be part of this Singapore Kindness Movement event,
not only because it made me better appreciate the comforts of life that I am enjoying,
but also to reflect upon how little I have been giving to society and how much more I can give.
I do too understand that it takes real effort and commitment to participate in the event which I did.
But no more excuses!
Singapore Kindness Movement is bringing forth a new digital initiative which makes it almost effortless to perform the act of kindness.
I'm sure that social media is something which most of us (especially if you're reading my blog!) are extremely savvy with.
you don't even have to be really THAT savvy to be part of the initiative.
You can easily spread more good vibes and positivity the online way!
Singapore Kindness Movement has partnered up with some companies to pledge food items for every one who contributes to the hashtag #nationofkindness!
You don't even have to worry about whether it is a hassle or if it is difficult to do this.
It can be something as simple as you sharing your umbrella with a random stranger across the road today,
or you leaving little encouraging notes to your schoolmates in the library during examination period.
The list is non exhaustive,
I've done my part,
now it's your turn.
Visit http://makesomeonesday.sg/#!/nation_of_kindness to find out more!
"Whenever there is a human in need, there is an opportunity for kindness and to make a difference."

One fine Saturday,
I woke up earlier than usual (was reallyyy tough because I always sleep in on the weekends) to do my part for a meaningful campaign organised by Singapore Kindness Movement and Project Awareness.
it has been ages since I last did any volunteering.
Ever since I left school,
I have not had to chance to participate in volunteer acts or giving back to society.
Really grateful for the chance to get back into volunteering again - through this event.
We were supposed to distribute these Gardenia sponsored bread loaves to families who are under-privileged in the Lavender area.
These families are mostly old folks leaving on their own in one room flats.
We also met some families with a lot of young children,
all cramped up in a small and crowded area.
But first,
we had to finish tagging the loaves with the SKM tags!

With the pretty Sheila!

Ohai Spiderboy,
you want to help out too?

There were so many families who volunteered at the event.
Many kids running around and trying to help by doing whatever they could.
So cute!
I personally think kindness is a valuable trait which every parent should inculcate in their kids from young.
This is how we can build up a nation of kindness slowly but surely.
It is really admirable of them to bring their kids along despite some of them throwing little tantrums due to the heat and tiredness from walking around.

My partner-in-kindness of the day!

Also got to meet Geck Geck in real life for this first time!
Volunteering was really fun with these girls.

And a picture with my fellow Nuffnang bloggers before we proceed with the distribution of bread loaves!

Elson Soh, founder of Project Awareness briefing everyone on the do's and don'ts while going about our rounds.

Return of the Spiderboy.

Oh, look!
We have Superman too, apparently.

All the volunteers saying HI before we got started!

We were a little shy at first,
having to knock loudly and calling out to check if anyone was home.
But soon enough,
we got the hang of it and was knocking door-to-door like we did this on a regular basis.

That's me, your Agent Of Kindness in action!

We also got to give these pamphlets out to the elderly,
explaining and informing them of some dental care benefits they are entitled to.

Some of the residents were really shy,
which explains which we did not get many photos of them.

"No act of kindness, however small, is ever wasted."
I actually think it is a good idea to step out of your comfort zone once in a while,
make some extra effort to spread the act of kindness to people around you,
or even people you don't know personally.
Living in comfort might have made us oblivious to the sufferings of certain groups in society.
I was glad that I got the chance to be part of this Singapore Kindness Movement event,
not only because it made me better appreciate the comforts of life that I am enjoying,
but also to reflect upon how little I have been giving to society and how much more I can give.
I do too understand that it takes real effort and commitment to participate in the event which I did.
But no more excuses!
Singapore Kindness Movement is bringing forth a new digital initiative which makes it almost effortless to perform the act of kindness.
I'm sure that social media is something which most of us (especially if you're reading my blog!) are extremely savvy with.
you don't even have to be really THAT savvy to be part of the initiative.
You can easily spread more good vibes and positivity the online way!
Singapore Kindness Movement has partnered up with some companies to pledge food items for every one who contributes to the hashtag #nationofkindness!
You don't even have to worry about whether it is a hassle or if it is difficult to do this.
It can be something as simple as you sharing your umbrella with a random stranger across the road today,
or you leaving little encouraging notes to your schoolmates in the library during examination period.
The list is non exhaustive,

I've done my part,
now it's your turn.
Visit http://makesomeonesday.sg/#!/nation_of_kindness to find out more!