Last week over dinner with my JC girls,
someone brought up the topic of the Myers & Briggs test and sent the questionaire link through our group chat.
The first time I've ever came across the MBTI test was during my JC days.
We were made to go through a lengthy psychometric questionaire during one of our Civics classes,
which tells you about your personality type and characteristics.
It tells you more about how your personality type generally perceives the world and makes decisions based on four psychological functions - sensing, intuition, feeling and thinking.
There are a total of 16 personality types to be derived from the test.
I was curious to see if my test results differ from the one which I got many years back.
So I took the test again.
And this time round, the results describe my personality much more accurately than the first time I took the test. In fact, so creepily accurate that I was a bit taken aback when I read the analysis and descriptions.
Got some people around me to do the test and share their results with me.
And the results coincide with (what I know of) their personalities to pretty large extent as well.
Can I just say that I am super amazed?!
I used to be categorised as ENFP (extroversion, intuition, feeling, perception) but I don't think it fully reflects my personality. Maybe I was distracted and not mindful enough when I was doing the test back then.
Here's the first paragraph from the 16personalities site which describes ENFPs:
"The ENFP personality is a true free spirit. They are often the life of the party, but unlike Explorers, they are less interested in the sheer excitement and pleasure of the moment than they are in enjoying the social and emotional connections they make with others. Charming, independent, energetic and compassionate, the 7% of the population that they comprise can certainly be felt in any crowd."
Which truly does not sound like me.
At all. Hahaha.
Part of the reason why I didn't feel like the test was THAT accurate back then.
Some parts like "ENFPs are fiercely independent, and much more than stability and security, they crave creativity and freedom. ENFPs' self-esteem is dependent on their ability to come up with original solutions, and they need to know that they have the freedom to be innovative – they can quickly lose patience or become dejected if they get trapped in a boring role." are quite true though. These are also present in my current set of test results.
Oh look, apparently there are quite a few other people who developed into an ISFP from an ENFP over time as well.
Looks like I'm not the only one!
I took the test from HERE if you're keen to give it a try as well.
But be prepared okay, there are over 60 questions!
I took around 10 minutes to complete it.
This time round, the test showed that I am actually an ISFP (introversion, sensing, feeling, perception).
To be exact,
22% Introversion, 41% Sensing, 44% Feeling and 31% Perceiving.
22% Introversion, 41% Sensing, 44% Feeling and 31% Perceiving.
ISFP personality -
ISFP strengths and weaknesses -
ISFP relationships -
ISFP friendship -
ISFP career choices -
ISFP workplace habits -
Some parts resonated so well that I actually was quite creeped out while reading through the analysis.
It's just the same feeling you get when you talk to someone who knows you better than yourself, you know?
I would say that it's 90% accurate for me.
Especially so when it comes to the strengths and weaknesses, relationships and workplace habits portion of the analysis.
They have a section on parenthood as well, but obviously it's not applicable to me right now so I didn't bother linking it up.
This test is intriguing for me because I don't think about my own personality and character on a conscious level on a day to day basis.
In a way, it helps me understand myself and why I do certain things/make certain decisions better.
Try it and I hope it does the same for you too, provided the results are accurate.