I was just rummaging through my absolutely messy bag trying to look for something.
And I ended up taking everything out to organise my bag because it takes me about 10 years to dig for something when I need it.
Also because I don't utilise my compartments,
something which Sissy is forever nagging at me about.
so that's how this post came about.
Already took everything out so might as well.

And I ended up taking everything out to organise my bag because it takes me about 10 years to dig for something when I need it.
Also because I don't utilise my compartments,
something which Sissy is forever nagging at me about.
so that's how this post came about.
Already took everything out so might as well.

The contents look deceptively acceptable (right???) but that's because I just switched to this bag a week ago.
If I had used it for another week or so...
Maybe I wouldn't want to do this post.

My bag is from Kate Spade Saturday and it was a Christmas gift.
One of my favourite bags because there are many, many compartments.
Although I don't use my compartments wisely,
it doesn't mean that I don't know how to appreciate them ok?
The pretty colour combination also makes it one of my cannot-do-without bags.
Ok, so let me walk you through the contents of my bag!

Olympus EP5 with 17mm lens, 45mm lens , Sketch-A-Tote customised drawstring pouch, 2 SD cards
One of the most common questions I get from time to time:
What camera do you use?
Well, there you have your answer.
I'm using the Olympus EP5 with 17mm lens for most of my photos!
I bought the 45mm lens but kinda regretted because I hardly ever use it?
The 17mm is good enough for me on most days.
And also because I'm lazy to keep changing lens la.
I always bring too many SD cards around.
I have four to be precise.
One was in the Olympus and the other was in the camera that was taking the shots for this post.
Which leaves two in the photo.
Are you confused yet?
I have so many SD cards that I sometimes panic when I cannot find the specific one which I am looking for.
Every other week I'm like,
"OMG JO HELP ME FIND THE WHITE/BLUE/BLACK SD CARD!! If cannot find need to reshoot the items omg I'm so dead I will die if I need to schedule another shoot Sunday gonna launch already HOW."
Then I will get the evil eye and the whole office will help me look for said missing SD card.
I am horrible,
I know.
I hope they don't make SD cards any smaller.

Another thing which I clearly bring around too many of - lip colours
I usually start off with 1 lip colour and the Sugar Advanced Therapy lip balm when I first switch to a new bag for the week.
Then as the days go by and I feel like having different lip colours for different days,
they will slowly accumulate into a sizeable collection in my bag.
This is the result after one week.
I have no idea why I have 2 of the same lip tint in my bag.
*inserts ashamed face emoji*

Laneige Water Drop Lip Tint in Raspberry
My lip colours are generally more coral/orange/red in tone but I use this on days I want something more pinkish.

Sugar Advanced Therapy Lip Balm
Best lip balm ever.
Love having this with me on flights!
I think this is my second tube already.

Not your most conventional lipstick or lip tint or lip lacquer for sure.
Bought this initially off the Style Nanda website and loved it so much that I bought another 2 more when I last visited Seoul.
It works just like how a marker does.
It feels even lighter than your usual lip tint and I really like how natural it looks when it goes on the lips.
Lasts longer than all my other lip tints too!
They only have 3 colours under this lip marker series and my favourite is Red.
The other 2 colours are Pink and Orange.

Favourite lipstick ever - YSL Rogue Volupte Shine #12
Super moisturing and so far the lipstick which suits my skin tone best.
Think I will need to get another tube of this soon because I've been using this every other day.
It looks really red and pigmented on the photos but it glides on reallyyy nicely and is sheer on the first layer but definitely build-able!

Laneige Lip Treatment SPF 17 - Orange
I am half sheepish about finding two tubes of the exact same lip tint in my bag.
No idea how they got there!
I think one of them was meant to be in my gym bag.
Already been through a tube of this and stocked up on erm, a few more on my last Seoul trip.
Seeee this is why I cannot go Korea so often.
My bank account will hate me.
I tend to stock up a lot on the products which I like,
because I hate the feeling when things start to run out.
And what if they decide to discontinue a particular product which I really, really cannot live without?
I like this on days I don't take OOTDs.
They give a very nice and natural hue on the lips.
And what's there not to love about have SPF on the lips??
Finally we're done with the lip products.
/wipes sweat beads off forehead
I don't really bring other makeup products out on normal days to touch up.
So not that bad right?

Chanel Chance Perfume/hair donut/hair ties/ orphaned bobby pin
One of the rare times I actually have hair ties in my bag.
Usually I'm the annoying one who doesn't bring them out and end up having to borrow/beg/steal from my friends.

Ear phones/oil blotter/Eclipse mints/Bio-essence Miracle Bio Water

Have no idea how miraculous the Miracle Bio Water is.
It actually stated that this product has up to 10 benefits but I have my reservations,
of course.
Only reason I like this spray (yes spray not mist, the water droplets quite huge one!) is because I feel awake and more refreshed whenever I use it.
It's a pretty small bottle and not heavy,
so I bring it around if I have extra space in my bag.
Most days I don't mind doing without this.

Sunnies/xiao mi charger/pen/random slips of paper/stuff from my blood donation
I like to bring the xiao mi charger around even though my car and office both have chargers because...
Sometimes you just don't know.
Remember I have this fear of things running out?
Same goes for battery life.
Ok you may now proceed to call me paranoid.
If the world is ever ending,
I'm sure I will be one of the most extreme ones,
stuffing my house to the brim with essentials and the not so essential stuff.

From my blood donation ERM last week.
You can read about my experience on Dayre!
Yes I know it's been a week.
Time to take out these things from my bag.

And this super slip of paper was a result of a super random giveaway which I randomly won because I don't even recall participating in any sort of giveaway like ever?
I think they picked me based on the photo I posted on IG the last time I had dinner with the TTR girls at this place.
Which was I don't even remember when.
Oh well,
not going to say no to free dinner for 4 pax!

House keys/car key/wallet/phone
I realise I'm a black and white kind of girl when it comes to my bare essentials.
These are the items that I bring around if I only have a tiny bag.
Or during weekends.
Or random trips to nearby places.
Or if there's a fire and I have only 10 seconds to grab my stuff and run.
I can be fuss free too okayyy.

The wallet which I've had for 6-7 years now.
The wallet I can always count on to safe keep my 8475394205 receipts and cards and coins.
And the wallet I always end up going back to no matter how many new wallets I go through.
Sounds like a relationship with a vicious cycle to me,

And lastly,
I have a bunch of office keys too but I hardly have to bring them out because I am always with Jolene.
But I think I should pop them into my bag just in case,
you know.
Never say never.
I really like things with my name on them,
I just realised.
Scroll up to see my camera pouch!
I guess it's an easy way for me to identify which things are mine.
And I also secretly like my things to have a sense of belonging.
here's a pat on your back if you managed to suffer through my ramblings.
And now you finally know why I always carry big bags!